
What we can do for you at 4thway:

Couples and Relationship Coaching / Counselling

I work with couples to help them improve their relationships and build more positivity and strength between them - for themselves and their families. It takes commitment from both partners and a willingness to make changes ... for the other's sake and not one's own gain.

Developing Men and Families: Strengths-Based and Male-Focused Approaches

The social norms of masculinity existing in our society encourage men never to display 'weakness'. Men have a greater tendency NOT to recognise or respond to their own shortcomings whether they are practical and physical (often resulting in warning signals regarding physical health being ignored), emotional (generally showing up as negative emotional states that induce anxiety, stress and depression) or intellectual (lacking understanding but being unwilling to expose that to others and ask).

Conflict Resolution and Mediation: Groups, Teams, Individuals

We work with groups, teams and individuals helping them to identify and resolve their differences effectively. Based on over 20 years of experience in this field, we bring a straight forward, fair approach, helping all those involved to efficiently clarify key issues and commitment for resolution.

EAP Services

We provide practical assistance to employees when personal or work issues arise that may impact on their ability to do their job or affect their wellbeing.

Employers, managers, supervisors and team leaders can also access support when faced with an employee who has work problems but has not responded to normal supervision.

Leadership and Management Development

Based on our own experience of working in and with senior leadership teams, we design and deliver development programs rather than one-off training events. They have a strengths-based foundation and are aimed at your leaders learning about themselves and how they relate to and interact with others (growing their emotional and social intelligence).

Strengths-Based Coaching and Mentoring for Leaders / Managers / People

The purpose of coaching and mentoring engagements is to support your development as a leader and manager of people and relationships both at work and in life. Our coaching approach is based on people achieving their goals through realistic and practical action; it is fundamentally person-centered and strengths-based.

Communication and Engagement

Generating clarity and engagement is critical to taking the results of any review or planning process into effective action, for individuals, teams and organisations - whether they be annual business plans, project plans, change plans or other. People want to be informed by the leaders / owners of the plans, inspired by them and acknowledged as being critical to successful outcomes being achieved.

Cultural Development and Practice

How healthy is your organisation's culture? Every organisation has a culture; they are all unique and have a significant effect on organisational performance. However, culture and cultural practice are not often given due attention and resource and are more often taken for granted and even ignored as not being important. We can help you to understand your organisation's culture, and shape it to be congruent, high performing, healthy and sustainable. This is equally applicable for your team or specific key relationships.

Strategic Planning

We work with teams and organisations to develop their vision and strategic goals for the future, based on a clear purpose and principles. High performing teams and organisations harness the power of a healthy and vibrant culture to support the plans getting into effective action. As Peter Drucker commented, 'Culture eats strategy for breakfast'. Culture and strategy work together whenever goals are achieved effectively and efficiently.

To produce clear and engaging plans is essential, so that everyone knows what it is and furthermore understands their place in it. We use facilitated sessions and workshops so that employees are engaged in the process and contribute to getting the work done. We recommend that as many of your people are involved in the process as possible to ensure that it is truly inclusive and owned by the team.

Operational Review, Process Improvement and Managing Change

The main objective of review processes is to help organisations like yours deal with and address issues effectively, instead of simply reacting to the challenges brought about by growth and change. Working with organisations and teams, we help you to clarify the operational and cultural components of issues. From there, you can identify areas for improvement, create and find possibilities and alternatives, and decide on the most practical and beneficial options.

Individual sessions with a cross section of key people, and facilitated group workshops and focus groups help to generate the base material, possibilities and options, and the means to engage people in changes required for successful implementation.